Patch Notes v0.1.1.0 // Crash Fix & Credit Score


  • Fixed a major crash issue, when leveling up by gaining a large number of points.
  • Repeatedly pressing RETURN while button is unresponsive (e.g. during counting down Score Display) no longer produces futile clicks.
  • Exiting to the menu and resuming will no longer cause the music track to loop between a shortened interval.
  • Cherries can no longer launch in a full cardinal (e.g. 0°, 90°, 180°, 270°) direction, potentially locking them offscreen until they expire.
  • Moving downwards now calculates smoke trails at correct angle.
  • Engine Cool stat will only be applied, if Heat Release triggered at least once.


  • Streamlined Game Over Score: now based on Credits you managed to capture during a run (expiring after 3 seconds). Capturing a Credit also rewinds the Combo Timer for a bit. Collected Credits will be banked after beat a Level (if you lose your last Ship, any remaining Credits are inevitably lost). For the Final Score, Credits are multiplied with current Level.
  • Added the Mercenary Stat to the Game Over Screen (percentage of successfully banked Credits).


  • If the Ship is destroyed, released Bomb splinters are now also destroyed.
  • Slightly increased min. and max. Shield time for Asteroids, after a split.
  • First generation Asteroids do not spawn with a Shield anymore.
  • Slightly reduced Bullet speed.
  • Improved logic for guaranteed Cherry drops: 1-3 Cherries will drop from one randomly assigned Asteroid; tag can be be randomly inherited by subsequent split tiers (rolls for additional Cherry drops still apply).
  • Slightly buffed Invincible timers.
  • All Invincible timers now scale with PoweredUp state.
  • Successful No Scope-hits now refresh the corresponding Invincible timer.
  • Cherry Shift now always starts fully charged, when entering a new Level.


  • Orbiting Bomb PowerUp now consist of Pink and Metal colors (also explodes in corresponding spectrum).
  • Projectiles (Bomb Splinters and Bullets) are now affected by Cherry Shift rewind effect.
  • Debris spawners now produce particles with initial alpha range, effectively making them expire faster.
  • Beating the Demo will now take you back to the Main Menu.
  • New Bitmap Font (previous one came with ambiguously phrased copyright).
  • Sonar animation appearing, while near edge of the screen, now keeps going for a short duration.
  • Can now pause the game, even when the Ship has just been destroyed.
  • Can now pause the game during CherryShift introduction sequence.
  • When fireworks start, music now only drops to 50% of system volume.
  • Counting down Final Score now initiates a fast forward, when there's no more points to add.
  • Added a timer to "Shatter"-sound, in order to prevent ugly clipping when being played twice in short succession.


  • Refactored code to reduce tons of unneccessary Degree-to-Radian conversions. Now working primarily with Radian numbers.

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