Known Issues

I'm aware of the following issues. They're either fixed internally already, or I'm currently working on resolving them. <3

  • Cherries spawning during Cherrytime inherit the slowed Asteroid's value baseSpeed (should be calculated at native speed, instead).
  • In rare occasions endOfLevel may trigger, even if there are still Asteroids left to shoot.
  • In even rarer occasions endOfLevel may NOT trigger, even if all Asteroids have been destroyed.
  • In equally rare occasions Cherry Power Ups may disappear offscreen without "wrapping around".
  • Cherrytime and Invincible Timers will probably ship with buffed values. <3
  • If Cherrytime is active, and "One Up" triggers another Cherrytime, slowed Asteroids won't reset their speed, after timer expires.
  • Random Cherry spawn chance is about 10 times lower than intended (not an issue in the Demo).
  • If several Invincible Timers with different values activate in overlapping intervals, total Invincible Limit is currently not calculated correctly.
  • When restarting the game, music starts at near max. volume, does not properly tune in.
  • When returning to the menu, sometimes the starry background is being created twice.


Cherry Shift Demo 5.9 MB
26 days ago

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