Known Issues // Demo v2.9.9.14

KNOWN  ISSUES (already fixed in devBuild):

  • Dynamic display of Enemy healthbars can cause confusing/overlapping HP bar placement, when two active enemies are standing side by side.
  • Sometimes consuming Alchemy items does not seem activate Health Regeneration (per step). Might just turn out to a display issue, but investigating regardless.
  • Scimitars won't trigger Coup de Grace-Kills.
  • Spike Traps do not prompt a first time visual warning.
  • Treasure Chests on the Map in walled closets are displayed as Trees, whereas Chests surrounded by Trees are displayed as Walls.
  • Players can interact with Moon Gates, even while engaged by Enemies.
  • Mi-Go's circle step after an attack may cause the game to crash.
  • "Coup de Grace"-notification is being overwritten by default "Critical"-notification.
  • Cultists can mutate in the same turn, after they've stepped into a trap, effectively leaving a live "double" behind.
  • Statues may spawn in the vicinity of the "Suicide Cultist" on 2nd stage, causing him to mutate, messing with his script.
  • Dark Youngs, while rooted, still prompt a "Flee" effect when close to death.
  • While Sprinting, highlighted spider webs may sometimes be displayed with faulty offset.
  • Swarm of Bats stepping on Teleport Traps (while in sight) will crash the game.
  • It's possible to kill Wisteria Widdershin with a Crit, effectively preventing the Unlocking of Kicks.
  • When starting or leaving an "Align the Stars"-Minigame, there is an issue of music not properly fading out, which may result in a millisecond long, unpleasant cracking sound, right before the new track starts playing.
  • When resuming the game while inside an "Align the Stars"-Minigame, the current Exploration Music Theme briefly starts playing, before the actual Minigame-track activates.
  • Sounds do not make use of the "Multichannel"-tag.
  • During fadeIn/fadeOut events in Windowed Mode, the Window appears unresponsive.
  • After closing the Map and moving one step away, Weapons and Shields laying about may sometimes get stuck in "identified vision" mode, until calling the Map again.
  • Sometimes Treasure Chests may spawn on an indoor ground tile, even though the entry tile is a Secret Path.
  • Divine Toll-Item appears on the Map (not intended).
  • Lore Notes wouldn't appear in Treasure Chests.
  • The "Detect Tiles Ahead"-mechanic may occasionally spoil secrets, when revealing hidden tiles blocked by Traps.
  • Potential crash issue when recalling a very long message via Log-Button.
  • Quitting the game while active Enemies are around, can cause the maxActiveMonsters-Variable lose track of the correct value on resume, resulting in a potential crash, when engaging another sleeping or lurking Enemy.
  • Nightgaunts aren't able to resist the cutting of their wings.
  • Volume for sounds may occasionally fail to update to altered values (most noticable in the Align the Stars-Minigame).
  • If you manually delete the config.ini, then try to browse Tutorials with no currently unlocked element, the game gets caught in an endless loop.
  • While browsing through multiple messages, certain UI elements like Champ healthbars or Tutorial notifications may rapidly switch their on/off state, which could be perceived as unpleasant.
  • After using Stealth Ability, the game might lose track of correct Illuminated State. Not a huge issue, but you might notice respective obstacle may not be properly doused, or display the sparkleEffect even though they've not been lighted yet.
  • Closing the window while in traversal screen between two Regions, will only fast forward to the entry point, instead of actually quitting the game.
  • Healing from poison is a pretty exploitable mechanic ...
  • When resuming the game in a different resolution (widescreen/4:3), while inside the Yuggothian Pocket Refinery-Minigame, coordinates of various nodes aren't properly restored.
  • Closing the Window right after having died, may sometimes fail to quit the game.
  • Consuming the last stack of an Alchemy Item may fail to apply the boost properly.
  • Closing Map sound plays twice.
  • Widescreen mode causes some of the sparkle effects to create faulty amounts of effectActors.
  • Pressing a Tune-Music-Volume key inside the Yuggothian Pocket Refinery-minigame will cause the background music to resume, which is totally not intended.
  • After a Mi-Go death, the Soundeffect for the Arcane Barrier swap plays simultaneously to any death sounds, thus getting drowned out.
  • Same with Summoning-sound for Deep Ones.
  • Various Champion Flash-effects are misaligned.
  • Shedding blood will not heal Corruption spread under Forest Tiles.
  • Attacking a sleeping Champ, that has not been engaged yet (can happen, if it's standing right next to another enemy with a smaller ListPosition), can mess with some on-engage Abilities.
  • When calling a Tutorial via [T]-hotkey, the header description would not be displayed.
  • Reset of Enemy's detection attributes (e.g. when using Stealth Ability) wouldn't work.
  • When discarding a successfully reinforced Item, music will start abruptly, instead of fading in.
  • When a character gets swapped/force-moved out of a webStun, the webStun will persist on the new tile, including the respective animation. 
  • When blood splashes across trapShades (e.g. Holes, Teleports, Cracks), they momentarily can get lost in the havoc.
  • Some inconsistency, when Advanced Traversal-hints or visual trapWarnings would be displayed.
  • When, in rare edge cases, an Enemy starts out from the same coordinates as the Player, while being in Flee-Mode, they may behave weirdly, trying to stick to the Player's tile.
  • Frenzy Attack prompt is still being displayed during Enemy turns.
  • Generic 1st time pickup messages for Weapons might not trigger atm.
  • Cultist Champs that inherited Mi-Go traits (or vice versa), and who then proceeded to mutate near a Shrine, would forget when they had switched Arcane Barriers before - and therefore wouldn't restore order on death.
  • Apparently Treasure Chests can still spawn beyond Water Tiles, causing the generator to put a bugged, inaccessible Secret Door as entrance.
  • After closing the Map (= activating Explorer Vision), identified Alchemy Item with only 1 stack left will not properly display this info.
  • ESC-button is unresponsive with some interactive messages, refusing to apply the default selection.
  • In rare cases, during a fade transition, music volume may reach values below 0, thus causing a crash.
  • Equipped Weapons or Shields may suddenly adopt durability values below 0, making them appear cracked, but effectively turning them unbreakable. Yuggothian Pocket Refinery will refuse to process such an Item.
  • After dying, some end of turn-effects may still be executed.
  • Spider Web alpha value is incorrectly calculated (displayed more obscurely than intended).
  • Enemies fleeing two steps instead of one may be easily caught in an exploitive back/forth loop.
  • Waking up Champs with Ghoul-traits will sometimes mess with the logic controlling proper fadeIn/fadeOut of musical cues.
  • Some teleport effects can cause actors to be relocated on top of other enemies.
  • Sprinting currently only affects monster turns, not effects with countdown or end-of-turn trigger (where it would make thematical sense).
  • Picking up a from the "Zealot of Leng"-storyline, thus triggering the corresponding Leng-Vision, may cause some obstacles to alter their state.
  • Some monster traits can cause the player, while in combat, to randomly engage another adjacent, currently dormant enemy, effectively resetting health of the recently attacked enemy.
  • The Divine Toll can be 0.
  • ...


TroC Demo 38 MB
Sep 04, 2024

Get The Ruins of Calaworm

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