Patch Notes (v1.4.1.3) // Karmic Memory
The Ruins of Calaworm » Devlog
- Consumables spawned with less Charges than intended.
- Lighting a Candelabra will now cure Blind Condition immediately, without needing to interact a second time.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes Trees were protruding into Wall Tiles.
- After engaging Ghoul Bosses, then fleeing from them, would keep their "evilVibes"-Tag active, so access to Shrines and Fireplaces could suddenly be blocked, even though they were back underground.
- Being killed on certain floor shades like Star Switches or Stairs will not make them disappear anymore.
- Dealing excess damage to Enemies will not extra strain Weapon anymore. Mind, though, that higher quality Weapons still have a higher chance to crack. But now it's solely based on Damage Roll and does not compare to Enemy Hitpoints anymore.
- Chance for Enemies to catch you off-guard now only scales up to 50%, not 100% (based on how far you have advanced).
- Interacting with a Shrine of your Covenant will now also cure Blind Condition.
- Severely reduced size of Tutorial Region and the Region after, so Players can get faster into Areas where more interesting things are happening (does not affect Enemy Count).
- Players will now receive 2 warnings per Door Class, when trying to walk through with respective Key in possession.
- Revised "Prove Worthy"-Mechanic: it's no longer prompted via Tutorial, also toned down repercussions on upcoming Region's Scaling Level (impact on very early game is marginal). Now strictly works as hidden mechanic to subtly push you into the right direction; if you set your mind to it, though, you may still be able to brute-force a Region while being Out of League, but you need lucky Hits and probably will burn some Resources on the way. Still, very much possible, but usually you are better off discovering the next Region, where Enemies are more close to your Level.
- Fixed an Exploit, where Players could repeatedly open and close the Map, thus passing turns and pulling Enemies towards them, without need to move self. Now Opening Map does not pass a turn, but Players can't do it anymore while standing next to an Enemy (a thematic Message is displayed, respective Tutorial has been updated).
- Players may not pay Sprints anymore, to escape on compromised Stairs. It was marginal, clunky mechanic, one I rarely took advantage of myself, so I streamlined it. This makes Stairs a lot more scarier, though, because once using them, there's no guarantee you can just flee back from where you came ...
- Base Regeneration, when poisoned, is now a random value between 1 and defaultBaseRegen (same for all creatures).
- Overall reduced amount of Ressources (Consumables and Provisions).
- Added a Page to the Wicca Priestess' set of Notes, providing thematic context for the Locking Doors-mechanic.
- Added procedural patches of Corruption near the exit of the Tutorial Stage (and at the start of the next), to anticipate events to come.
- 2nd Stage now teases a passage to the Witch Gate Region (can not be accessed in Demo).
- Streamlined Force-Opening of Doors: Players may no longer break Doors, thereby risking their Equipment; instead start the game with set amount of Kicks (1, 3, 6 or 10, a choice that will be part of the Difficulty Sliders planned for full release), and can not gain any more. Kicking an initially locked Door has a 50% chance to succeed, failed attempt does not lose a Kick, but Door remains locked, and from now on may only be opened with a Key. Kicking a Door that Players accidentally closed themselves, always succeeds, but Key remains lost. Ability to Kick Doors will not become available until Player has opened their first Door via Key (thus getting subtly nudged towards intended play).
- Introducing 'Karmic Memory' (see respective DevLog for in detail description): Game will now memorize discovered coordinates of Wall Tiles, and in subsequent runs reveal them 2 steps ahead of you. So Players still get to explore in the usual way for the first time around, but afterwards they're allowed to traverse Areas already known from "past lives" a lot faster.
- Added a Minimize-Gadget to Windowed Mode.
- Revised wording for various Tutorials.
- Slightly sped up 2-Frame-Animation Interval.
- Removed several Tutorials from Signpost and assigned them to respective dynamic Events to make initial teaching feel less rambly.
- Damage Numbers from Fumbled Attacks now appear in grey color, in order to draw Player's attention.
- Selecting Options in a Message prompt now has wrap-around browsing.
- Removed minor Death Hints, providing the really crucial ones with a chance to pop up more frequently.
- When interacting with a Door and no fitting Key in possession, "Leave" will now be default option.
- At Fireplaces or Shrines Players may now browse Tutorial Hints, they've unlocked so far.
- In the Editor, each Region may now be named. In game, once entering a new Region, it's name will show up as a slow moving, fading Sprite. Region's Name also shows up on respective Map.
- Non-Free Services now show a "$"-Symbol before the price.
- Whenever unlocking a Hint, Players now have the option to mark ALL Tutorials as read. A Warning will display, with instructions how to reset the Tutorial, should they run into trouble.
- Interacting with Fireplaces and Candelabras now auto-lights them (as long as no Enemy is nearby, blocking access).
- Refined logic where and when to play what accompanying sound with pop-up Messsages.
- Re-Assigned Controls to feel more logical, according to various sources of feedback (ingame Hints have been revised accordingly). Mind, that this is just an issue concerning the Demo; Final Release will allow Rebinding of Controls.
- Got rid of dedicated "Dismiss Message"-Button (formerly [5] on the NumPad), because it was confusing. Simple Messages may now be dismissed by pressing ANY Button, and pressing [ESC] will dismiss ANY sort of Messages(including Selection Message).
TRoC 45 MB
Feb 15, 2022
Get The Ruins of Calaworm
The Ruins of Calaworm
Turn-based Dungeon Crawler with concise mechanics, where cute Retro Pixelart clashes with Lovecraftian Cosmic Horror.
Status | In development |
Author | Alexander Karenovics |
Genre | Adventure |
Tags | 2D, Dark Fantasy, Dungeon Crawler, Exploration, Level Editor, Lovecraftian Horror, Pixel Art, Retro, Roguelike, Turn-based |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Configurable controls, Interactive tutorial |
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