Patch Notes (v2.6.5.9) // Alternate Movement Scheme & Acually useful Map
The Ruins of Calaworm » Devlog
- When carrying more than 1 Key of a class, and dropping them from Inventory, quantity display wouldn't update.
- Detecting "Front Walls" would sometimes fail, showing just the default Wall Tile, and only update after re-entering the stage.
- Being blinded now correctly suppresses Illuminated State (no gameplay ramifications, this is just a visual thing).
- Why do I hear Boss Music? When leaving stage and re-entering, while the Demo's first Miniboss is awake, Boss Track now only starts playing, after engaging her again.
- Repeatedly interacting with Candelabras would pass turns, even though Player wasn't blinded (and restored condition).
- Wall Decorations, like bloody Witchmarks don't show up on the Automap as obstacles anymore.
- Sometimes, when a Spider's Web was placed above a Pillar, it would fail to trigger.
- When choosing to wake up from the Minigame without having solved the Puzzle, Tutorial won't pop up anymore.
- Pillars aren't displayed anymore while their Base Tile isn't visible.
- When "Seeking Counsel", quantity of Arcane Resonance is no longer displayed (this was a relic from past iterations, where Arcane Resonance wasn't a dedicated Item yet, to be activated at will).
- Fixed various Typos.
- Chances for succesfully force-opening locked Doors have been significantly increased (this goes for the "Average"-Chance, as well as the "Low"Chance, after you've been visiting the final Region).
- Chance to succesfully evade a Deadly Trap (Holes and Spikes) is now a flat value, instead of an ever increasing counter that made it virtually impossible to survive after just a couple of missteps. The first time you step on a Deadly Trap you're always saved! Best way to not get killed by them, is by not walking into them, though. Watch where you're going!
- Visual appearance of Arcane Barriers has been revised, to make them more distinct at first glance (Doors are now Triangle/Square shaped, thus more closely resembling respective Switch).
- Crystal Shards values have been adjusted; overall curve is now way flatter, maximum value that can be rollled is now roughly half the value it's been before.
- Slightly less Arcane Resonance stacks granted (overall amount to be gained is still dependent on game module size, though).
- Resurrection Blight (affecting Weapons and Shields) now always hits after a respawn. However, it's been tuned to also target already cracked Equipment, in which case it'll just reduce durability further. Mind, that Resurrection Blight only hits after the Respawn, after Items already have been restored to their state when you performed respective Binding Ritual. So even if you respawn 3 times at the same Shrine, only 1 Item will ever be affected.
- Reference factor for cacking Equipment has been (very) slightly increased.
- Weapon distribution is still spread out over all classes, with a slight incline to the middle, but it's not as spiky anymore (expect to see less Scimitars).
- Wicca Grove area in the very first stage now has multiple entrance tiles (all Secret Passages), to draw more attention to its existence.
- Now actually useful Automap (sorry purists). ASCII display was a nice idea, tribute and all, but it didn't really work into the puzzle aspect of the game, which requires clear intel at a glance to make effective decisions. Map Icons also come in various color schemes, to visually represent current tileset.
- The first Champion Enemy you meet plays a significant role in the story of "Calaworm" (you'll see more of her in the final Release version). To emphasize this, she now has a unique, fixed name and title (opposed to randomly generated ones for procedurally generated Champions, and also no longer belongs to any of the 4 active Covenants.
- Revised note pages of the 'Wicca's Order'-storyline , and also added another page (also present in the Demo), to support these changes.
- New dedicated Music Track for this event!
- Introducing the Player to the "Corruption"-Mechanic a bit earlier, in fact, right in the Tutorial region: immediate surrounding walkable tiles on exit and entry are now also corrupted (not just the Trees).
- Added another thematic event to the very first stage, presumably doing a better job of setting the tone and providing a sense of mystery. Mind, that the final release will have an actual prologue, setting up the story and providing background. It's not mandatory, though, and may be skipped easily.
- Tried to fix thematic inconsistencies when interacting with the Torch Item, while being blinded: Now, with equipped Torch, you are permanently resistant against Blinding Attacks (a Saving Roll animation will display). If you are already blinded and pick up a Torch, you are cured immediately of the condition, but the Torch goes out, effectively turning into an "Unlit Torch"-Item (which is pretty useless). Interacting with any Lightsource in the World will light up the Torch again (even if it's currently stored in the Backpack).
- Arcane Resonance is now an actual Item with dedicated slot (Tutorial has been adjusted to reflect changes). Slot is deactivated initially, but gets unlocked as soon as you step on a Teleport. Now, for a couple of turns you can activate the Item (toggle Action Selection, which is defaulted on the Space Key, select slot, and validate). You lose 1 stack of Arcane Resonance and are teleported back to where you first stepped on respective Tile. Additionally, Arcane Resonance now triggers with EVERY kind of teleportation! Not only random Teleports, but also trapped Doors leading to fixed targets! This is a huge buff to it's utility! However, Arcane Resonance does NOT trigger, when teleport is being initiated by Monster Ability!
- Added a Tombstone to Battlements-area of the Watchtower, telling you that you're still in the first Region (this is to help players figuring out where to go, so they don't think they're stuck).
- Added a Tombstone next to the entry tile of the second Region, effectively working as a landmark, to find your way back easily, in case you're not as accustomed to spotting Secret Passages yet.
- Added a random Hint, teaching about trapped Doors, which have Teleports placed on them that lead to other locations.
- Alternate Navigation Scheme for player whose keyboards do not have a NumPad. It's a temporary hotfix, the final release will let you configure Keys freely. Check included "Controls.docx"-File to learn more (also a prompt has been added to the PreMenu - can be disabled after 3rd time launching the game).
- Music can now be tuned via F1/F2 keys (accomodating players without NumPads). Ingame tutorial Tombstones have been adjusted to reflect change.
- On startup, non-viable options are now disabled per default. So the only button you can press is "New World Seed", effectively starting a fresh game. Afterwards you're free to choose between "New Game", "New World Seed", or "Continue" (as long as a viable saveFile is present).
- Game now remembers when you step on trapped tiles, like Doors which have Teleporters placed on them. If you approach them a second time, a visual Warning Hint is displayed, reminding you of the nature of that particular tile. To stay consistent with mechanics, this Hint is suppressed while being blinded.
- When breaking down Doors you accidentally locked yourself by stepping through them while having respective Key equipped, now there's a chance to retrieve lost Key: an according Saving Roll animation is displayed after successful breaking! Good Luck!
- When examining Equipment at Fireplaces, you now also examine the set of Items stored in your Backpack (if you found one already). This second examination happens automatically and is preceded by a "You rummage through your backpack ..."-prompt. So no more switching Items and secondary interaction needed, in order to gain exhaustive intel!
TroC Demo 56 MB
Jan 28, 2023
Get The Ruins of Calaworm
The Ruins of Calaworm
Turn-based Dungeon Crawler with concise mechanics, where cute Retro Pixelart clashes with Lovecraftian Cosmic Horror.
Status | In development |
Author | Alexander Karenovics |
Genre | Adventure |
Tags | 2D, Dark Fantasy, Dungeon Crawler, Exploration, Level Editor, Lovecraftian Horror, Pixel Art, Retro, Roguelike, Turn-based |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Configurable controls, Interactive tutorial |
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